In addition to my work with #cambridgeuniversitypressandassessment, every so often I am invited to take part in various inter-cultural events here in the UAE, like a recent forum coordinated by the University of Sharjah and the #ChineseSchoolDubai.
I was invited to speak by my dear friend Dr Shaojin Chai.
💡I #learned several things at this event, which you can read a report of in Chinese(!) here:
Here is a tiny reflection on the event from my eyes:
1️⃣💡 One of the presentations was about etiquette of Chinese meals and eating. 🥘 🥢
Considering I spent so long during my undergrad studies for my BA degree in Chinese at #soas and #北师大, I am shy to admit that I did not know we aren’t supposed to prod, poke, or stab our food with chopsticks! Or lick them!
This is a whole etiquette about Chinese meals that I had never delved into or know about intricately - have you?
2️⃣💡 Aside from this revelation, I loved the Emirati student who asked the question: what’s the meaning of the colour red in China? The answer surprised me, too. 🇨🇳 👀
3️⃣💡 Intercultural events matter. It was so refreshing to speak to students who were concerned about and curious enough to spend their evening at a forum like this. These are the kind of events that leave impressions on young people and inspire them. And what bright students they are, Dr Shaojin ! 👏🏼
All in all, the session was a great opportunity for #emirati and #internationalrelations students to meet with the mysterious #chineseschooldubai and hear from the various professors about their cultural insights.
🙏🏼Thank you for welcoming me, Dr Chai, the University of Sharjah and #ChineseschoolDubai. 🙏🏼And thanks to Jing Huang for helping the whole delegation with fabulous live interpretation. 👏🏼👌🏼👍🏼
❗️P.S. I couldn’t help but grin when Jing Huang told me that they are using #CambridgeEnglish resources for some of their English courses. How neat, right? 😄😍 📖
‼️P.P.S.💥💔 I recognise that individuals, especially teachers and children, are independent of systems of abuse and torture. My heart is with my dear friends and families in China, specifically Xinjiang. They have been trapped in lockdown for over 120 days, and immeasurable harm is taking place. The lockdowns, along with all other measures and bullying must stop.
